Made this quick jeopardy app This works well enough, it needs some polishing and fixing up, but the wife and kids are using it between commercial breaks on TV. Code for the Intent Schema Code: { "intents": [ { "intent": "WhatIsIntent", "slots": [ { "name": "Ans", "type": "LITERAL" } ] } ] } Code for the Sample Utterances Code: WhatIsIntent what is {metalurgy|Ans} WhatIsIntent what is {hamburger Hill|Ans} WhatIsIntent who is {james belushi|Ans} WhatIsIntent who are the {teenange mutant ninja turtles|Ans} WhatIsIntent what are the {new kids on the block|Ans} Code for the endpoint Code: <?php function speechOut($words) { header('Content-type: application/json'); $open = '{"version": "1.0","sessionAttributes":"","response":{"outputSpeech":{"type": "PlainText","text": "'; $close = '"},"shouldEndSession": false}}'; $end = '"},"shouldEndSession": false}}'; echo $open; echo ($words); echo $close; } function endSession($words) { header('Content-type: application/json'); $open = '{"version": "1.0","sessionAttributes":"","response":{"outputSpeech":{"type": "PlainText","text": "'; $close = '"},"shouldEndSession": true}}'; echo $open; echo ($words); echo $close; } //$value = $data[value]; $header = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), TRUE); $requestName = $header['request'][intent][name]; $requestType = $header['request'][type]; $text = print_r($header,true); file_put_contents('from.txt',$text); if($requestType == 'LaunchRequest') { // new session! $data = json_decode(file_get_contents(''), TRUE); $text = print_r($data,true); $ver = $data[0][question]; $ans = $data[0][answer]; file_put_contents('lastanswer.txt',$ans); speechOut($ver); } if($requestType == 'SessionEndedRequest') { $ans = file_get_contents('lastanswer.txt'); speechout($ans); } if($requestType == 'IntentRequest') { $ans = file_get_contents('lastanswer.txt'); if ($ans == $header['request'][intent][slots][Ans][value]) { //speechOut('That was correct'); endSession('That was correct'); } else{ $spch = "I'm sorry, but "; $spch .= $header['request'][intent][slots][Ans][value]; $spch .= " was incorrect. The correct answer was :"; $spch .= $ans; // speechOut($header['request'][intent][slots][Ans][value]); endSession($spch); //speechOut($spch); } } speechOut(' '); ?>
Hi Chad, This is really an awesome example for me. I used this example at my endpoint, works well till launch request but after that it goes in SessionEndedRequest. The reason might be same here as I use you intents & utterances. It speaks question from your API but after that session directly ends with no ans. I tried replaced below line of code: Code: speechout("Your answer is: ".$ans); from SessionEndedRequest section of your code.
Hi Chad, I think you application is working perfectly as per the code. Nothing wrong! Plz ignore my comments.